How many times in my life have I enthusiastically started something only to quit before I’ve finished it? A new book, new class, new exercise routine/eating plan, new form of discipline with my kids or communication style with my husband. My determination and commitment are always so strong in the beginning, yet it dwindles through the “process” and I end up throwing in the towel and going back to my old ways and behaviors. Can you relate?
We’re often enthusiastic starters, but so many times we miss the joy that God wants us to experience – the joy of completion. The joy we feel when we can look back and see that the work was worth it. The joy that comes when we can analyze our process, dissect it from the beginning to the end and recognize a tangible shift in our behavior or mind set. But such joy isn’t a a gift we receive freely, it requires something from us. Effort and commitment. Similar to a marathon, we have to push through pain and exhaustion, hills and rough terrain and utter discouragement and choose to press on even when we feel like quitting. We must reach down deep inside and determine that we will see it through no matter what the enemy tries to throw at us to get us off track.
We are called to be “like Jesus” and He never quit anything. Remember, even in His last agonizing moments as He hung on the cross, He didn’t hang His head or breathe His last breath until He spoke those powerful words, “It is finished.” He finished His work here COMPLETELY, leaving no prisoner in bondage; no sin unforgiven; no broken heart left in pieces; no enemy undefeated. He was victorious in His completed work here on Earth. And He calls us to do the same. FINISH!
As we find ourselves half way through this semesters Crossing2Freedom classes, you may find yourself struggling with your commitment to see it through. Please let me cheer you on with this beautiful FIGHT mantra from Gods word: Phil. 3:14 says “Press on to reach the end of the race and receive the Heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus is calling us.” As you press on and continue to press in, be encouraged that your loving Father promises you this:
“He who began a good work in you will see it through to completion.” Phil. 1:6
Our hearts desire is to look and talk more like Jesus isn’t it? In order to do so, we have to learn how to follow His example of finishing well. He conquered death until victory was won and eternity was secured for His children. He completed His task and He is sitting at the right hand of the Father cheering you on and LOVING you through your process. DON’T QUIT! The reward will be GREAT!
Brandy, I love the way God used you to bring such a great reminder to us all… Finish …Jesus did finish a good work ….
Lord help me finish the work/calling on my life as well. Bless you for being so open and honest. Keep is truly your gift!! Jan
A great reminder, indeed! It’s funny how “things” interrupt our accomplishment of a goal or our intention for new habits. Thanks for being open to sharing with us, Brandy! Much encouragement extended as you branch out to new territory! Love your heart, Val
Thank you for being open enough to share this with us, Brandy! Isn’t it interesting how “things” get in the way of us accomplishing a goal or developing a new good habit? Much encouragement and support sent your way as you continue down the path of your new journey!
Honestly, Brandy….As I have said before, you are a terrific writer! You have a gift, as someone else commented. Your blog message came through very clearly and distinctly! You are a leader….! Keep it up!
Yes!! We all need to be reminded to Finish!! I share it with someone as encouragement!!!!