The cage door is open and we can fly…but how?
“If the Son, therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed…”- John 8:38
So often we quote this verse and verses like them, without really experiencing them. Are you living a life that looks free indeed?
- Is it really a blessed life?
- Your personal best life?
- Is there any area of your life you would say is not up to speed?
- Like your trudging through mud up to your waist and feel stuck?
You’re not alone, many of us have these areas in different seasons or circumstances of life. There is good news, this kind of freedom can be experienced in EVERY area of our lives! We only need to extend an invitation to Christ to enter that part of our lives and bring healing and wholeness. This comes by revelation and by learning from those who have gone before to point the way.
We are here as a ministry to do just that. Come join us and see what Jesus has for you in this season. Perhaps you have dealt with a lot of hurts and have experienced a lot of healing already. However, there is that one area that keeps popping up, it helps to remember this is a journey…not a destination. There will always be those places. You begin to recognize them more easily and are able to deal with them more quickly.
We have the tools to help you live a forgiving living lifestyle. To experientially be an overcomer. Our fall classes will begin very soon. Dates and locations will be posted on our website at:
This is also where you can register for the upcoming classes.
Father, I pray that this one reading this post right now will know how much you love them and how READY Jesus is to meet them right where they are.
Help them by your Spirit to come running to you instead of hiding in shame. Let your healing touch be experienced by them. In Jesus name, amen.