During this COVID-19 virus we have all experienced many upheavals and changes to our daily lives and routines. It’s made maneuvering life a challenge and for the first time I think we can understand the disciples of Jesus being tossed about on a boat in a storm, after hearing clearly they were to “pass to the other side”. This is not what we thought 2020 would begin like.
If you know the story, Jesus is asleep in the boat and they are crying out to him to save them. How could he rest in this storm? He wakes up rebukes the wind and speaks to the sea, Peace be still. The wind ceased and there was a great calm…. (My paraphrase, read -Mark 4:35-41 for complete passage).
I can assure you He wasn’t angry with them and He isn’t angry with you for how your feeling in this storm, He is encouraging all of us to invite HIM into our boats. HE will bring us safely to the other side as HE calms the turbulence in our hearts and circumstances. We are making our needs known while inviting Jesus into our boat. He is faithful to bring us all safely to the other side of this storm. As a ministry we are still moving forward to offer counseling by phone and Crossing2Freedom classes on Facebook live to whomever is in need. We are waiving or adjusting our fees for those who are in need of immediate counseling but are facing a financial challenge right now. Those who are able prayerfully consider sowing in this season into Christians United Ministries, as we are sowing into others, through counseling, giving of our time, talents and resources. (At this time we have not received a stimilus package to keep us going forward we are a donor supported 501c3 nonprofit ministry). All donations are tax deductible.
Jesus, we welcome you into the midst of this storm in our nation and the nations of the world, called COVID-19. We are agreeing with you and speaking peace be still to the winds and waves. We thank you for your faithful promise to bring us to the other side of all of this. We ask you to heal those who are sick, comfort those who have lost loved ones and be with those on the frontlines of this. We also ask that you would provide wisdom over our governmental officials. Protect our President and Vice President as they move forward in your name. In Jesus name, amen.
www.cumi.live/donate| #Heartsmatter
Counseling: 774.567.0771 | Office: 251.241.9899
This spoke directly to me and my Spirit received it. I thank you for being on the “front lines” too, during this pandemic. You and others at CUMI are on the battlefield to win souls for Christ Jesus; His Word says in Matthew 16:18-19 ” …I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” Amen!!!