Blog Nugget by Laurie Davis
While I wait for the baptisms to begin I grabbed my bible. Somewhere along the line, I noted on some sticky notes. It’s so worth sharing. Probably the strongest mandate we have is found in the Lord’s Prayer: “Thy Kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” It’s a prayer that summarizes the entire call of humanity.
It’s not a warm fuzzy thought that’s supposed to keep us comforted as we endure life’s trials. It’s a militant pursuit of another world. It’s the responsibility of every believer to bring that world. Our job is not to get to Heaven, it’s our job to bring Heaven. There’s a difference in our assignment and our destiny-our destiny is going-our assignment is bringing. When the Lord gives us assignments like these they are intentional. Beyond our comprehension. That keeps us with a dependence upon Him. It’s a very real at hand assignment with God’s intention to fulfill it.
Our partnership with God pleases him. If you want to know how much God has trusted you, look at what he trusted you with, the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit lives in every believer but he does not rest on every believer. He’s in us for our sake but upon us for the non-believer’s sake. So, when the spirit of God rests upon his people it’s because of the privileged assignment to transform the atmosphere around us and the world we have been called to serve.
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Abba, thank you for your opportunities to bring heaven to earth through this jar of clay so full of the treasures of heaven. Help me to be alert and aware to those divine appointments and ready in season and out to step into it with heavenly boldness. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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