Have you ever wondered what makes you tick as a person? What makes the functions of this body feel the various emotions we have? And how does our inner voice speak to our actions both good and bad? God, it seems has once again in our creation done a most incredible thing by giving us a unique division with each of us that has purpose seldom spoke of in the church or in life, for that matter. But in today’s verse we begin to see how both the struggle and victory is the result of how we feed and function within our soul and spirit. It would seem the two are separated distinctly from one another as with the body.
Spirit, Soul and Body
1 Thess. 5:23 “Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ”.
It goes without saying that the body is a vehicle to which the soul and spirit travel’s in along life’s journey. This body will one day die and return from which it came, the earth. But the soul and spirit of John Walker as with you will move on. So why not incorporate the soul and Spirit as one. Time will not permit us here to get deep into this but in a Divinely and Brilliant way God gave them to operate independently of each other so that we could be stronger and more capable in our walk. Our soul facilitates our intellect, mind, emotions, memory, and will. The spirit however, is our conscience and intuitive faculties which taps into spiritual discernment. That inner gut feeling that we so often refer to and hear so often about. It tells us whether it’s from God or from the Devil. Good or Evil.
So how do we become blameless in all three? Well, first we accept Christ and His gift through the cross which is salvation. We cannot save ourselves! Only through God’s grace and mercy can this be achieved. Then we are to pursue God daily. It is imperative we feed our souls and spirit. So, we pray, we worship, we fellowship and we open God’s word and study it to show ourselves approved unto God. It gives us peace in our soul and revives our spirit as we do. Our soul and spirit must be tended to stay strong and steadfast, to stay on track. Yes, we fall and stumble. But, oh how grateful I am to have the Bible to keep life’s path illuminated ahead of me. Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. The BIBLE. WOW, who would have ever wondered that this timeless writing would offer so much.
May God Richly Bless You Today,
Pastor John Walker, CPM
God, thank you for uniquely making us according to a very intentional and purposeful design. Thank you for helping us to see how our soul is separate from our spirit, and yet how they cooperate together with the body. In Jesus’ name. AMEN.
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