By Design

Have you ever wondered what makes you tick as a person? What makes the functions of this body feel the various emotions we have? And how does our inner voice speak to our actions both good and bad? God, it seems has once again in our creation done a most incredible thing by giving us a…

No One Craves Brokenness

No one craves brokenness…but perhaps we should.  The literal translation of verse 9 is that when we are weak, God comes and pitches a tent over us and dwells with us until we are strong. I’m learning to be ok with waiting in my brokenness as long as He stays with me.

Journey From Fear to Surrender

Fear has been the greatest tool of the enemy in my life for as long as I can remember, specifically the “what if” fears which invite worry.  As a little girl, I remember being very fearful of getting lost or left somewhere. I tried to control this fear by staying close to my parents at all times, even in our house. As a teenager, I had a deeply rooted fear of being disrespected or dishonored publicly. I tried to control this through aggression & defensiveness. As a young woman, that fear of rejection showed up in my life in the form of using people & rejecting others before they could reject me. I tried to control this by hardening my heart.

Truth or Consequences

Have you ever heard something said that sparked a quick trip down memory lane? That recently happened to me when my husband said something to me. It made me think of the old TV shows,  I’ve Got a Secret, To Tell the Truth, and Truth or Consequences….

Chocolates, Flowers & Valentines

The flowers are wilted, the chocolates gone, and the cards tossed into a drawer. St Valentine’s day was celebrated this year by Americans, costing us $18 billion; but in 269 AD it cost St. Valentine his life! WHY? He dared to secretly perform Christian marriages, violating the Roman Emperor’s edit.

Mike…How Dare He Die

Here I am on a flight somewhere between Alabama and Texas…thinking about my ex from 39 years ago. Am I being unfaithful to my husband? NO. Those are not the thoughts that have been brought to my mind often since Sept. 19, 2017, the day a well check from the police in Jacksonville, FL discovered that Mike had died.